4CycleRunner Blog

Ultra Running Tips

fruit and fresh vegetables with a runner in the middle and mountains in the background

Understanding Calories Per Hour in Ultra Running

Key Takeaways Aspect Detail Caloric Intake 200-300 calories/hour, mainly from carbs Factors Gender, body size, experience, race conditions Carbohydrate Intake 30-60 grams of carbs/hour Gender Differences Men might consume more,…
a group of runners with trees in the distance

The Ultra Challenge: Do You Dare to Take It On?

So, you’re ready to tackle the behemoth that is ultrarunning. That’s commendable! But before you dive in, there are a few hurdles I’ve seen trip up even seasoned marathoners. I’ve…

Tools for Self Massage

When scar tissue build-up in the soft tissues is neglected long enough, problems often result. Through hands-on massage or the use of a self-massage tool, these fibers are broken up…

Acclimation to Heat Training for Ultra Runners

As we begin to transition from winter to spring to summer the temps are starting to warm. Running in warmer weather places additional demands on the body to thermoregulate. Essentially…

5 Tips to SAFELY Run Faster

Running FAST is an essential component of an ultra training plan.⁣ By running fast you can increase your performance threshold. Here are my 5 tips to get you started with…

Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset allows you to have the drive to push yourself to the limits while also having the courage and wisdom to live to fight another day.

The 4 Pillars of Ultra Running

All 4 of these pillars must be used in order to have an effective training program. Leave one out and the entire program may crumble

Must Read Running Books

Daniels’ Running Formula: A classic for any type of runner ranging from running for fitness or trying to level up on the marathon. Loads of science-backed recommendations